Elegant pink bouquet with lilies, roses and chrysanthemums. It's best presented to your loved one, showing your sincere feelings.
The bouquet has a strong fragrance. For those who do not like the scent of lilies, it is recommended to replace the lily with another flower that does not have a strong scent.
The picture shows a medium size.
Remember to order a card, options are shown below.
Helsingissä ja Vantaalla 8 euroa, Espoossa 10 euroa, Korsossa ja Keravalla 16 euroa.
We delivery flowers to your door in Helsinki and Vantaa from 16 to 22 on working days and saturday.
We offer same day delivery if you order by noon (by 11 am on saturdays).
Return policy
Return policy
Flowers and plants are fresh products, and bouquets and arrangements are made-to-order and therefore customised products, they are non-returnable.
Remember the card
You can write a text for the card in the shoping cart.